Building a Multi-Silo Mining House

Mining Houses were the Alpha corporate entities in the mining ecosphere between late Victorian times and the 1970s-80s. They evolved in similar (and disparate) ways in the major financial markets where mining was an important component of the stockmarket, such as London, Toronto, Melbourne, Johannesburg and New York.

Usually they consisted of groupings of listed and unlisted entities with a central hub entity that decided group strategy & focus, organised financing of group companies and in some cases, marketed the minerals produced. Historical examples of the “species” are the Collins House group and BHP in Australia, Falconbridge and Noranda in Canada, Consolidated Goldfields, RTZ and Selection Trust in London, Asarco and AMAX in the US and Anglo-American and Billiton in South Africa. A more recent example was Xstrata.

In our own humble way we hope to build on the historical model and create a Mining House for our times.

Mining Houses were the Alpha corporate entities in the mining ecosphere between late Victorian times and the 1970s-80s. They evolved in similar (and disparate) ways in the major financial markets where mining was an important component of the stockmarket, such as London, Toronto, Melbourne, Johannesburg and New York.